North Wash

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The Hite Marina was about 36 miles south-east of Hanksville on highway 95.  There is a junction at the mouth of North Wash.  Continuing on east down North Wash on highway 95 will take you  to the Hite area.  Turning south at the junction of highway 95 and 276 will take you to Bull Frog.

In the early 2000's, the Hite Marina was let high and dry because of the lake levels.  The lake water levels will never return to it's glory days.  Access to the upper end of Lake Powell above Hite by the lake water will probably never return.


These pictures were taken in 2010 from the overlook at Hite.

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These pictures were taken in 2002 before the water level dropped and closed the Hite Marina in 2004.



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